Articole care conţin cuvântul cheie ora de veghe

Microsoft, not everything is for sale !

Dragoş Rişcanu, Ora de veghe, 27 oct. 2014

Dragoş Rişcanu, Ora de veghe, 27 oct. 2014

Microsoft, not everything is for sale !

Dragos Riscanu (DR) : How much would cost to buy DNA ?
Nicoleta Savin (NS) : Who asked this question ?
DR : Nobody yet, I do ask now, because this is how Microsoft and its accomplices do think and act.
As it becames clear even to Microsoft, not everything is for sale, regardless of the offered bribes.

The Microsoft Earthquake – Ora de Veghe

„The way Ceauşescu had the opportunity to be directly inspired by Kim Ir Sen, Bill Gates succeeded to be inspired by the high Chinese officials of 1990 – 1991. The long exercised practices, specific to the propaganda machinery of the totalitarian regimes, were successfully adopted by Microsoft and operated by Bill Gates… On a scale from 1 to 10 referring to the advanced methods of globalized wretchedness, Microsoft gets by far a 10, while the followers hardly receive a 7…”
„Aşa cum Ceauşescu a avut ocazia să se inspire direct de la Kim Ir Sen, Bill Gates a reuşit să se inspire de la înalţii oficiali chinezi, în anii 1990 – 1991. Practicile îndelung exersate din mecanismele de propagandă proprii regimurilor totalitare au fost preluate cu mult succes de Microsoft şi operate de Bill Gates… Pe scara 1-10 din punct de vedere al mijloacelor avansate de ticăloşenie globalizată, Microsoft ia nota 10 de departe, următorii fiind pe la nota 7.”